"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

Monday, June 9, 2008

Darn Foot; Plan B

I just don’t know what’s going on with my left foot. It was perfectly fine during my short runs this last week. But it started hurting just as I started my 16 mile run on Sunday. I would not have been surprised if the pain came back after running about 10 miles, but it started hurting as I was walking to my starting place. At first the pain wasn’t bad, so I started running anyways, but after 10 miles the pain really started to increase. Rather than toughing it out, I quit running after 11 miles. This is not the time to tough it out; I need to get to Grandma’s healthy and that is less than two weeks away. So now I go to plan B.

My foot is not going to heal if I keep running, but I don’t want to get to Grandma’s out of shape. So for most of this week I’ll ride my mountain bike to keep in shape. I’ll try a little running maybe by Friday. Any sign of foot pain I’ll quit and ride bike instead. Riding bike works the body much different than running, but it’s better than not doing anything.

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