"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." Aristotle

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Chemo-Man Kicks Butt Against Cancer

Today I received excellent news. The PET scan I took last week shows my tumors are gone after four chemo treatments. This is the best response to chemo that one can hope for. I’m not totally out of the woods yet. The scan showed some residual metabolic activity in the area where my large tumor was. I don’t fully understand what that means. I’ll know more in three weeks when I meet with my oncologist. I could possibly be done with chemo after six treatments. I’ll have another PET scan after my sixth treatment to determine if I’m done or need two more. There was no guarantee that the chemo would be effective. Some people’s tumors don’t respond to chemo treatment. Other’s respond, but only partially. Receiving this news has relieved a tremendous load off my wife and me. I don’t recall ever weeping with joy, but today I did.

Running went well last week. I finished with a 13 mile long run and 45 total miles for the week. Things are looking up for Grandma’s marathon.

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